Ronnie Stanley: From Adversity to Pro Bowl and a Fresh Start

Ronnie Stanley: From Adversity to Pro Bowl and a Fresh Start

Ronnie Stanley, the Baltimore Ravens' left tackle, has had a career marred by injuries that would derail many players. However, his latest journey shows a story of resilience and a return to form, marked by a Pro Bowl selection in 2023.

Stanley's struggle with injuries over the past four seasons has been arduous. In 2020, he managed to play only six games. His fortunes didn't improve in 2021, with just a single appearance. The 2022 season offered a glimmer of hope as Stanley participated in 11 games. This past season, Ronnie Stanley took to the field for 13 games.

Despite these setbacks, Stanley is showing signs of returning to his former self. "I guess being in that state when I was younger, it wasn't as savory as a moment or savory as a time, just knowing that, 'OK, your career could have been over after one play' and not knowing if I was ever going to feel like that again physically or athletically." His words reflect the uncertainty he faced during those difficult times.

His perseverance paid off. Stanley reduced his base salary from $11 million to $3 million, a strategic move that aligned with the Ravens' future plans and made him a free agent a year earlier, with 2025 designated as a void year. The restructuring provided financial flexibility for the team while allowing Stanley to stay motivated and prove his worth.

Stanley's offseason training and participation in Organized Team Activities (OTAs) were crucial in rebuilding his physical conditioning. Reflecting on his progress, Stanley shared, "It's more of a gradual thing. I think in the offseason, I definitely felt that, where it was like, 'Oh, yeah, I feel really good athletically. I feel like I'm doing these drills on the field really well. I feel like I'm making sharp cuts, being able to get low and be flexible.'

"But it’s all different when you have to translate it to football. Not until I came back here, really through OTAs and just getting back into football stuff, is really when I started to feel more confident about all of that training and that rolling over to actual production."

This renewed physical condition has been a key factor in his performance. Stanley emphasized the psychological boost it has provided: "To be able to perform at the standard I know I can perform at, it just makes me feel more at ease and confident in what I'm doing and that I'm going in the right direction."

Stanley's transformation is also personal. "For the most part, just to be able to feel like myself physically has made me a lot happier." For someone who has been through so much, the ability to regain his form and confidence means a lot. "To truly feel like myself again, that's what makes all the difference," he expressed.

As the Ravens prepare for the 2024 NFL season, Stanley stands as a beacon of hope and tenacity. His journey from being an injury-riddled player to a Pro Bowler in 2023 is a testament to his unwavering spirit and commitment. Fans, teammates, and the organization can look forward to seeing a revitalized Ronnie Stanley taking the field, embodying the resilience and desire that define a true professional athlete.