Judge Clears Prescott of Civil Claims in Sexual Assault Allegation Case

Judge Clears Prescott of Civil Claims in Sexual Assault Allegation Case

In a comprehensive legal battle that has spanned several months, Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott has been exonerated of all civil claims related to sexual assault allegations made against him. This resolution follows a recent decision by a Collin County judge and marks a significant turn in a case that dates back to 2017.

The allegations surfaced when Prescott was accused of sexual assault, a claim his accuser attempted to leverage for financial gain. Initially, the accuser sought a staggering $100 million in exchange for not pursuing the matter legally. Yet, in March, she filed a formal report with the Dallas Police Department, reigniting the controversy.

“As we knew they would, they found nothing in their extensive exploration of the facts that would support a criminal prosecution,” said Levi G. McCathern, Prescott's attorney, reflecting on the thorough investigation carried out by law enforcement.

The tumultuous proceedings saw Prescott mounting a two-pronged legal defense. He filed both a civil lawsuit and a criminal report against the accuser, challenging the veracity of her claims and alleging extortion. Demonstrating a tenacious pursuit of justice, Prescott sought over $1 million in damages, emphasizing the severity of the accusations levied against him.

In April, the accuser's attorney initially dropped a Dallas County lawsuit, only to refile a similar suit in Collin County. This move suggests a strategy aimed at maximizing legal pressure on Prescott. However, this tactic ultimately proved unsuccessful. By June, Judge Angela Tucker dismissed the claims, delivering a significant victory for the NFL star.

Yet, the legal chess match is far from over. Prescott's extortion allegations against the accuser continue to unfold in civil court in Collin County. A critical hearing has been scheduled for September, where further legal proceedings against the accuser may be decided. The accuser's motion for a "non-suit without prejudice" keeps the door open for her to refile the case in Dallas County, suggesting that this legal saga is set to continue.

Prescott, on his part, remains resolute and unwavering in his defense, confident in the outcome of the legal processes. "I know the truth, I'm confident in what we filed, very confident in what we filed," he stated unequivocally.

His attorney, McCathern, did not mince words in condemning the accuser's actions. “The original lies by [the accuser], her team, and their recent failed attempt to sue him civilly are all just a continuation of their extortion plot against Dak,” he said. McCathern also highlighted the broader implications of such false claims, stating, “These ploys distract from the trauma of legitimate sexual assault survivors and undermine the progress that our society has made in supporting them.”

The Dallas Police Department's conclusion that there was insufficient evidence to support the allegations further solidifies Prescott's position. According to McCathern, "Mr. Prescott -- a new father to a baby girl -- has great empathy for survivors of sexual assault." He added that Prescott’s empathy for real victims further fuels their resolve to disprove these "malicious lies."

Prescott, who is entering the final season of a four-year, $160 million contract in 2024, continues to focus on his career and personal life, even as these legal matters unfold. His stance and the determined defense mounted by his legal team have shone a spotlight on the serious consequences of making unfounded accusations.

McCathern expressed confidence in the ongoing proceedings, stating, "We are confident that at the end of law enforcement's investigation into the extortion case that they will find the accuser and her attorneys just as guilty as Dak is innocent." He added, "To be clear, Mr. Prescott has never engaged in any nonconsensual, sexual conduct with anyone. Lies hurt. Especially, malicious lies. We will not allow the Defendant and her legal team to profit from this attempt to extort millions from Mr. Prescott."

As this intricate legal battle navigates its next phases, both parties prepare for further courtroom confrontations. Yet what remains clear is the solid legal footing Prescott stands on, bolstered by the recent judicial dismissals and steadfast support from his legal counsel.

While it remains to be seen how the upcoming hearing in September and any potential refiled cases will unfold, Prescott's demonstrated resilience and firm belief in his innocence continue to shape the narrative of this high-stakes legal drama.