Cricket Scotland Investigates Board Member Over Derogatory Tweets

Cricket Scotland has launched a formal investigation into board member Khizar Ali after historic tweets emerged in which he used derogatory language. The tweets, dating back to 2012, included the use of the racially offensive "P" word in reference to Pakistanis and other defamatory remarks aimed at Indians.

Khizar Ali, who joined Cricket Scotland’s board as a regional representative in May 2023, is also involved with the anti-racism organization Running out Racism. This group has swiftly called for an urgent investigation into the matter. The revelations are particularly striking given Cricket Scotland's recent efforts to overhaul its governance structure following a damning independent investigation that identified 448 instances of institutional racism.

Institutional Racism in Cricket Scotland

Last year, Cricket Scotland underwent significant structural changes after an independent report revealed pervasive institutional racism within the organization. The outcome led to a complete overhaul of the board, with new members dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment and eradicating discrimination of all forms. A spokesperson for Cricket Scotland emphasized the organization’s commitment to maintaining a "zero-tolerance approach to racism, sexism, and all forms of unacceptable behaviour."

A Legacy of Change Under Scrutiny

Despite these previous efforts, the historic tweets by Khizar Ali have surfaced as a challenge to Cricket Scotland’s reformed image. Screenshots of the tweets have circulated widely, triggering widespread criticism. In response to the controversy, Khizar Ali has publicly apologized. "There were recent screenshots shared of historic tweets from 2012 where I used the P word. The reading of the word in full for some within the South Asian and cricketing communities will invoke and trigger upset. To anyone who has to read that and it caused upset, I want to extend my sincere apologies to you," he stated.

Ali has acknowledged that other tweets have been shared out of the context in which they were originally posted. He has expressed his willingness to engage in discussions with anyone who has concerns about this content. "I am willing to commit to any discussions directly with anyone who has any concerns on these, as I have already with a number of colleagues," he added.

Running out Racism's Reaction

Running out Racism, an organization with which Ali has actively been involved, also voiced its disappointment. A spokesperson for the group stated, "Running out Racism members are surprised, dismayed, and feel incredibly let down that someone we've a huge amount of respect for would use such words, in any context, at any point in history. This has caused upset and anger with some we support and represent." However, the organization did acknowledge Khizar Ali’s proactive response to the situation. "We do acknowledge Khizar’s willingness to proactively own this, and appreciate the conversations he's engaged in directly with us and many others regarding these messages," the spokesperson added.

Commitment to Inclusivity

The unfolding situation presents a complex challenge for Cricket Scotland as it seeks to align its leadership with the values of inclusivity and zero tolerance for discrimination. The organization is under pressure to demonstrate that its commitment to these values goes beyond rhetoric and is embedded in the actions and behaviors of its board members.

As the investigation proceeds, the cricketing community and beyond will be watching closely to see how Cricket Scotland navigates this critical juncture. The outcome could serve as a litmus test for the measures introduced following last year’s revelations of institutional racism, which were intended to usher in a new era for the sport in Scotland.

In light of these developments, Cricket Scotland's pledge to ensure that the sport is "safe, welcoming, inclusive, and open to all" remains under intense scrutiny. Whether the organization can meet this challenge will likely hinge on its ability to handle the current controversy with transparency and accountability.